August 4, 2017

Tour Report: Sanatorium J.

It was our (I think) fifth visit to the old sanatorium. It was after all the last full day we were going to spend in the Harz mountains this time, and although we had visited Jens a couple of days earlier just to say Hi, we had decided to drop by again.
Jens has become a friend over the years, and it's always really nice to see him, share stories over coffee or beer and go for a little stroll through the hallways of the old sanatorium.
This time was no different. We stayed much longer than we had originally planned, but since we didn't have any other spots to go or places to be that day, we really enjoyed the evening up in the forests high in the mountains.
We regretfully left when it got dark because we had reservations for dinner. It was actually too bad, because we could have stayed for a nice barbecue.
But this is a thing we will make uop for in only a couple of days, when my wife and I will be staying at the sanatorium for two days next week to meet up with Jens again and to see what more secrets the Harz mountains have in store fore us before we drive further East for this year's summer vacation.

To find out more about the history of this li'l ol' place and to check out all the photos from this spot, click the button below.

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